Category: Copiers/Printers

Having access to high-quality printing is a must when setting up an efficient office of any size. That’s especially true if you need vibrant, colorful documents regularly (for example, flyers or other promo material). Opting for a color copier lease might just be the smartest move your business will ever make. Read on to learn what makes leasing so attractive, how it works, and why it could be the right choice for your office.

What Is a Color Copier Lease?

Leasing a color copier essentially means you’re renting the machine from a supplier rather than buying it outright. Doing so has several benefits, particularly for companies that need to keep their technology up to date without a hefty initial investment. For example, a smaller business or a startup that needs to do heavy printing might not have the money for an advanced printer. A lease lets them get a high-quality but perhaps prohibitively expensive copier.

Here are a few good reasons to get a lease on a color copier for your office:

  • The lease avoids large upfront costs, and you can enjoy predictable monthly payments.
  • You can easily upgrade to the latest models at the end of your lease term.
  • Most leases come with service agreements, so your machine will always be in top shape.

There Are Many Leases to Pick From

When considering a potential color copier lease, you shouldn’t pick just any printer, especially given that you don’t have to worry about the price premium of buying. Here’s how to make sure you choose the right lease plan and machine for your office.

How Much Printing Do You Need?

Before you get a lease, take a step back and evaluate your printing requirements. How many pages does your team copy in a month? Are those internal documents that can be lower fidelity, or are you producing high-quality brochures for clients? Don’t forget to consider extras that could make everyone’s life easier, like double-sided printing or a reliable scanner.

Factoring in all these questions means that you’re not paying for features you won’t use or missing out on the ones that could boost productivity. Don’t simply opt for the most expensive because you can or the cheapest because you want to save a few pennies. Aim to hit the sweet spot that aligns with what you do.

Compare Lease Terms

Lease terms are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Frequently, they can range anywhere from a year to five years. Think about where you see your company at the end of that period. Perhaps you’re growing and will possibly need more advanced equipment, or you could be stable and looking to minimize equipment turnover. Matching the lease term to your business’s forecast can save you from avoidable inconveniences down the road.

Look Through the Service Agreement

Read the details of what the color copier lease service agreement covers. A good agreement is a promise that you won’t be left hanging if something goes wrong with the copier. It should cover all the essentials: maintenance, repairs, and maybe even topping up your toner and paper supplies. The service agreement covers both fixing breakdowns and preventing them. Having comprehensive support can smooth out day-to-day operations considerably, so read carefully and ask questions whenever unsure.

Real Costs and Savings

Of course, a low sticker price on the lease document is tempting, but make sure you understand the whole financial picture before committing. A lease is great for many but isn’t necessarily for everyone. Think about how the cost compares over time to purchasing a copier outright. Consider the long-term implications of leasing versus buying to see which option might be more cost-effective for your setup.

Initial Costs

One of the best aspects of leasing is the low initial outlay. Most leases start with minimal down payments, which can be a boon for your cash flow. This means you can keep your capital free for other ventures or unexpected expenses instead of sinking it into a depreciating asset.

Monthly Payments

Monthly payments for a color copier lease are usually fixed, which means predictable budgeting with no surprises. The amount you pay each month will depend on the model of copier and the lease length. Go for a lease that doesn’t feel like a huge monthly burden but still lets you print the way you want.

Potential Tax Benefits

Here’s something a little more exciting: Monthly lease payments might just lower your tax bill. How? They’re often deductible as business expenses. However, tax codes can be a challenge, and they change frequently. It’s a good idea to have a talk with your accountant or a tax professional to see exactly how a lease might impact your financials come tax time.

Long-Term Value

Beyond the immediate financial benefits, leasing a color copier can contribute strategically to your company.

  • It helps you adapt more easily to changes in technology without being stuck with outdated equipment.
  • High-quality, efficient copiers can boost office productivity.
  • You can produce crisp, clear, professional-looking documents that reflect well on your business.

Possible Drawbacks

While leasing equipment can be handy, especially when trying to manage costs, it’s not without a few drawbacks. One significant downside is the lack of ownership. You pay monthly, but don’t ultimately own the equipment. This can also mean higher long-term costs if you lease for an extended period. Additionally, some lease agreements can be inflexible, locking you into terms that might not suit you down the line, and making it hard to upgrade or change equipment when you need to.

It’s Smart to Lease

If you run a business in New York, Totowa, Pennsauken, Edison, or Ft. Washington and are considering a color copier lease, Docutrend is the place to go. Flexible leasing options, up-to-date technology, and comprehensive service agreements are all here. With our services, your office printing capabilities will meet high standards without breaking the bank. Ready to take your office productivity to the next level? Visit our contact page, and let’s discuss how we can tailor a lease to suit your company and its strategy.