Employee Spotlight

Francesco Gustini
Francesco will be with Docutrend for 6 years in March of 2022 and is responsible for all preparation and setup of all Docutrend equipment.
What Francesco likes most about his job is the ability to grow, adapt, and evolve to better serve the needs of the company. He's always been given an opportunity to share his opinions and ideas and has seen some of them executed successfully which makes him feel appreciated and valued.

Get to Know Francesco
Something which a lot of people don't know is that Francesco has been cutting and styling hair for over 10 years. When he's not at Docutrend he spends time with his newborn baby boy and his family, and even though he doesn't have the time he loves DIY projects. His favorite vacation spot is Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
If he wasn't working at Docutrend, he would most likely be a carpenter, since he enjoys working with his hands and has had some experience in the past.
During his career, the main lesson he's learned, so far is "Being upset doesn't solve the problem. I've learned to take a deep breath and go for a walk."
Another fun fact is that his brother, Luciano works together with him.