happy hybrid office working do job remotely

How to Make an Hybrid Office a Success

These days it seems impossible to think of a time where our world wasn’t relying on online meetings and communicating with one another online instead of in person. The worldwide pandemic that affected so many …

person signing an electronic document
Document Management, esignature, Pro Tips

The Acceptance of Digital Signatures

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way many people view the practicality and utility for digital and electronic signature services. Many of these services were crucial to advancing work related tasks which required signatures from one …

Hard hat in focus with Business people reviewing blueprints in conference room
Wide Format

What is Wide Format Printing?

Wide format printing is printing of designs or graphics on paper 18” or wider, either on rolls or precut sheets of paper or other types of materials. It requires the use of special equipment and …

employee meeting at home on computer
Document Management, Managed Services, Mobile Classroom/Office, Mobile Printing, Print Management, Unified Communications, Voice over IP/VOIP

Employer Concerns About Remote Work 

Remote work has become incredibly popular over the past decade. Technology advancements now make it easy for many jobs to move out of the office. Many office workers can get their work done anywhere, so …

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Document Management, Managed Services, Mobile Classroom/Office, Mobile Printing, Security, Unified Communications, Voice over IP/VOIP

How to Manage a Hybrid Team

The definition of a hybrid team has rapidly evolved.  In the past, “hybrid” meant employees who worked either in-office or remotely, rarely going back and forth.  Due to the pandemic, hybrid is now more fluid …

large amount of papers
Document Digitization, Document Management, Managed Services

Pro Tip: Advantages of Document Management

Ready to learn what managed document services are and how it can help your business? When you choose Docutrend, you are partnering with a top managed document service company that will provide a big-picture strategy, …

remote employee using VOIP phone system
Unified Communications, Voice over IP/VOIP

What Are the Benefits of a VoIP Cloud-based Phone System?

Remote access at work allows for flexibility and productivity no matter where employees are located. According to a recent Forbes.com article, remote work is here to stay and is a huge benefit when top candidates …

renting or buying a copier

Should You Buy or Lease a Copier? (in 2022)

As a business owner, it’s important you do as much as you can to save costs. Small businesses can easily pay out far more than they take in, causing them to easily go out of …

office worker using a canon mfp
Copiers/Printers, Pro Tips

Top 5 Reasons to Lease a Canon Copier

Canon offers some of the best lines of multifunctional copiers around and they can be tailored to fit your business needs. Their extensive research and development efforts make its copiers cutting-edge when it comes to …