Category: Document Digitization, Document Management

If you’ve been in the business world long enough, you’ve likely heard of backfire conversion. Backfile conversion services are all about digitizing old documents. If your office still has cabinets full of old files, converting these to digital formats is a space-saver first and foremost, but also so much more. This transformation can make your documents easier to search, share, and secure. Let’s dig deeper into how these services work and why they might be just what your business needs.

Learn About Backfile Conversion

Backfile conversion services turn your old paper documents into digital files. Considering that most office paperwork is going digital, or at least hybrid, this is practically a necessity. You might need to convert your documents to comply with government regulations about archiving and retention, or it might be necessary when dealing with clients and authorities. Either way, using backfile conversion services is perfect for businesses with years of paperwork piled up and a need to modernize their operations.

Why Should You Go Digital?

There are few compelling reasons not to consider going digital. Here are just some examples of why most, if not all, of your company documents deserve a digital backup:

  • When everything is backed up to digital storage, you can find documents in seconds, not hours.
  • Backing up protects documents against loss from disasters like fire or flooding that would ruin physical media.
  • It lets you free up physical space for other uses, such as new equipment, furniture, or rest areas.

Going digital frees your space first and then makes your business more efficient and your data more accessible and secure.

How Does Backfile Conversion Work?

Going from paper to digital involves several steps, all of which are necessary to help your documents transition into the digital form accurately and securely. Backfile conversion services cover the following:

  • Sorting through documents, removing staples, and getting everything ready for scanning.
  • Using high-speed scanners to create digital versions of your documents.
  • Tagging scanned files with keywords and metadata for easy searching.
  • Scanning every document clearly and correctly so it reads exactly as it did on paper.

This process can vary slightly depending on the types of documents and any other relevant requirements or demands.

Considerations When Choosing a Provider

When you decide to go digital, you have to think about the process itself and who carries it out for you. Here’s what to keep in mind before contacting a provider.

Technology and Security

You’ll want to start by choosing a provider that uses the latest, high-quality scanners. These scanners guarantee that your digital documents will be clear and easy to read. After all, your converted documents should look and feel like a one-to-one conversion and be practically interchangeable with physical documents. This isn’t so easy to achieve if the scan is low-resolution or blurry.

Just as significant though is the provider’s approach to security. Ask about the safeguards they have in place to protect your documents during scanning and how they keep your data secure once it’s digital. Strong encryption and secure data storage practices are a must to prevent any unauthorized access or data breaches.

Experience and Reliability

Experience really does matter for any service, and digitizing company documents is far from an exception. A provider with a solid history and a proven track record is likely to handle your documents more competently and with the professionalism you expect. Be aware that the service doesn’t just scan pages. They’re handling sensitive, possibly business-critical information.

Experienced providers understand the nuances of different types of documents and industries and will perform the task correctly. Read reviews to see what others have to say about a service. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to reach out. A reliable service provider will always be happy to answer any of your queries.


No two businesses are the same, and neither are their documents. For example, vintage manuscripts and sensitive files require sophisticated security measures. In any case, the right provider should be ready to meet your demands head-on. Look for a service that isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution but instead offers customization options that fit your particular requirements. This could mean anything from offering various file formats for digital outputs to providing secure, role-based access to digital files.

Of course, extra customization could mean higher prices, so consider which services and premiums are a must-have, which are nice to have, and which might not be necessary. While having options is excellent, you don’t want to overpay, either.

Long-Term Benefits of Backfile Conversion

Going digital with your historical documents is both a one-time fix for office organization and a long-term investment in efficiency. Beyond the obvious and immediate benefit of a neater office, here are some long-term benefits you can look forward to:

  • Going digital means less time spent searching for documents, which then means quicker response times and more efficient daily operations.
  • Digital files can be shared easily between departments or even across locations, simplifying collaboration, especially for international work or when employees work from home.
  • Less paper use means your company is more sustainable and in line with the green agenda.

Digitize as Much as You Like

While paper has its benefits and charm, making your office documents digital is undeniably convenient and often a necessity for compliance, communication, and uninterrupted business relations. If you’re tired of dealing with rooms full of old files or struggling to find documents quickly, backfile conversion services might be what you need. Not only will you free up physical space or at least reduce the time spent rummaging through it, but you’ll also make your business more secure and efficient.

If you want to make the switch to digital in New York, Totowa, Pennsauken, Edison, or Ft. Washington, it’s time to reach out to a premium provider. Docutrend offers backfile conversion services that can transform your document management system. Check out our solutions here and reach out to us to get started.